4 Back to School Health Insurance Options

4 Back To School Health Insurance Options-Stone Insurance Group

4 Back To School Health Insurance Options-Stone Insurance GroupFrom selecting the perfect roommate to gathering money for textbooks, health insurance may not be a top consideration for young adults entering–or currently in–the college world. However, financial protection from unexpected medical bills and fulfilling the law to have a form of minimum essential coverage is important.

Whether you’re a parent seeking to secure your child’s health benefits or are a young adult making these decisions, there is a wide range of insurance options for students of any demographic.

4 Back To School Health Insurance Options-Stone Insurance Group

  1. Student Health Plan – Many colleges and universities offer student health insurance plans to qualified students; some benefits include relieving the costs of prescription drugs and preventive care services.
  2. Parent’s Insurance Plan – A child are able to remain on a parent’s health insurance through their 26th birthday. This option is very flexible and cost-effective. In addition, parents are able to claim their child as a dependent to receive tax cuts.
  3. Catastrophic Health Insurance – Young adults under 30 years of age can buy high-deductible health insurance plans that potentially cover all medical costs leading to that amount.
  4. Medicaid – State and federal governments provide free and low-cost health insurance coverage to those who qualify based on income and other criteria.

4 Back To School Health Insurance Options-Stone Insurance Group

Having the right insurance coverage based upon situation is important. Stone Insurance Group helps our clients discover the most beneficial coverage at an unbeatable price. Chances are, many insurance companies will try to sell you the most expensive package or not give you the attention you deserve because you’re young. However, the brokers at SIG work diligently with clients of all ages and give them the peace of mind they’ve been searching for!

You hit the books–we’ll help cover the rest. Call Stone Insurance Group today at (832) 403-2066 or kelly@stoneinsurancegrp.com.

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