Holiday Road-Trip Travel Tips

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This holiday season, many people will hit the road to visit family–or take advantage of the extra days off of work and school by partaking in a vacation. When venturing out on the roads, take extra precautions to protect yourself and loved ones. A little pre-trip travel prep can help ensure that you will have a more enjoyable, and less stressful, adventure with family and friends.Stone Insurance Group Holiday Travel Tips - 2

    • Map your route in advance and be prepared for busier than usual roads. If possible, leave at a time that will allow you to drive through high traffic areas before or after peak travel times.
    • Ensure your vehicle is properly maintained. If maintenance is not up to date, have your car and tired inspected before beginning your trek.  Stone Insurance Group Holiday Travel Tips
    • Place all valuables in the trunk or covered storage areas—leaving items in plain sight is an invitation to have your vehicle broken into.
    • When traveling with children, remind them not to talk to strangers. Go with them on bathroom breaks, and ensure that they know your cell phone number by memory in case they are separated from the group.
    • Begin preparing a checklist ahead of time with all items that should be packed. Place items that may need to be accessed while driving (e.g., snacks) in a separate container from other luggage.

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  • If you will be traveling with small children, prepare a bag of travel-friendly toys and activities to keep them entertained while in the car.
  • Keep a cell phone, charger, and power-bank on your person at all times in case of an emergency.

Finally, ensure that your automobile insurance is up to date and the coverage is adequate, should there be an accident. Remember, with Stone Insurance Group it’s easy to request a free insurance quote! View our online quotes page, email, or call us (832) 403-2066.

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